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Connect with the Working Together Working Group

The Working Group can support you in the following:

Curricular Supports

The WTWG can support you in working to Indigenize your course by connecting you with relevant knowledge keepers and walking you through any relevant protocol, including proper compensation. 

Policy Revisions

The WTWG can advise on policy writing and revisions to provide an 'Indigenous perspective' and ensure a holistic approach to policy. 

Event Planning

Seeking to decolonize your event? The WTWG can advise on how to engage with relevant community members to ensure your event is hosted in right way, including formal openings for the territory you're on. 

Connect with others across the institute

The WTWG can connect you with others seeking to achieve similar objectives or initiatives, in order to reduce siloing and support the NIC community in working together towards reconciliation. 

Committee Advising

Does your committee require an 'Indigenous lens' on a certain topic or conversation? Connect with the WTWG to hear different perspectives from knowledge keepers and Indigenous colleagues.

Curricular Review & Recommendations

The WTWG can review and recommend approval for any program or curricular changes relating to Indigenization. The WTWG works in tandem with the Curriculum Committee to review and recommend approval on anything outside of the scope Curriculum Committee, pertaining to Indigenous worldviews. 



Email to connect with the Working Together Working Group

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